Friday, July 21, 2006

Israel losing war on both fronts

Over the last week we have been inundated with images, sounds and details of Israel's retaliation against Hezbollah. There's a daily tally of death and blood which, although a mere shadow of the carnage still going on in Iraq, has come to dominate the headlines. But despite the massive military superiority and asymmetrical bodycount, it appears to be a war Israel is losing.
Make no mistake, this is a war. It's an escalation of a war that's been raging for decades since the re-establishment of Israel. At stake is who will both live and prosper along a fertile, strategic, religiously important piece of the Holy Land.
First, it should be noted that Israel is completely justified in its assault on Hezbollah. If someone were to scurry across the US border, kill three soldiers and kidnap two others, we'd go apeshit. We wouldn't even show the restraint Israel has shown. That country would be a self-lighting, glass parking lot.
So, this isn't a "Israel shouldn't be defending itself" rant. Just like any nation, it should.
That being said, sometimes you can't judge success by the amount of carnage or the body count. By real world measures, Hezbollah is winning, and Israel is helping them.
First, Hezbollah is winning militarily.
This one might be the hardest for people to believe, what with the body counts on CNN. However, consider the amount of resources Israel is expending and consider the results those efforts are garnering. Yesterday, Israel reported dropping 23 tons of bombs on Hezbollah. Shortly afterward, Hezbollah representatives basically said "nyah, nyah! You missed us!" and Israel racks up some more images of dead Arab babies for the world to ponder. Israeli fighter planes, most likely Israeli variants of F-15E Strike Eagles and and F-16 Fighting Falcons, are making dozens of sorties over southern Lebanon. Any idea how much it costs every time you launch one of those puppies? Let's not talk about maintenance and manhours, just consider how much you're spending at the gas tank. Now imagine more expensive gas, tanks hundreds of times larger, and expending that gas and having to refill after a mission of only minutes. Now multiply that amount by the number of planes Israel is putting in the air every day. Hezbollah is responding with hundreds of rockets at the cost of perhaps a couple thousand dollars (at most...and that's really pushing it) per rocket and gas for a fleet of jeeps...when their guys aren't on foot. Reports indicate that Israel hasn't done any real damage to Hezbollah so far (though they've done plenty to Lebanon itself). They've dropped a few bridges and buildings, but this is a terrorist organization that is not a static government. Were the Israelis doing this to Syria, then Syria would be hurting. But Hezbollah is a different animal entirely. These are the guys who blew the Marine barracks in Beirut back in the 80s. You know who the driver was? A 15 year old girl. Security cameras caught her smiling as she drove her explosive-laden vehicle into a barracks full of U.S. marines. How much did it cost us to train those marines? How much did it cost them to train and equip a 15 year old girl to blow themselves up (cost to their souls notwithstanding)?
You cannot fight terrorists with large troop concentrations, armies, and carpet (or even precision) bombing. Israel should have learned this by now. They've been "precision" bombing terrorists in the occupied territories for years now. You've seen it on the news. The stories where Ahmed Assabin or whatever was targeted by a missile, but the casualty report indicates he got away, one of his bodyguards was wounded, but three Palestinian kids had to be scrapped off the cement with a squeegee?
That's not really helping Israel very much.
Raw military force isn't the answer, and it isn't going to help the Israelis protect themselves. This war is about the winning of hearts and minds, which brings us to the next front Israel is losing on.
There have been three faces representing each of the "aggrieved parties" in this little shindig recently; Ehud Olmert, PM of Israel; Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah; and Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Sinora.
Ehud Olmert, despite the fact that he genuinely has the right to defend Israel against terrorist attacks such as the ones Hezbollah committed which sparked this mess, has come off to many as a slavering attack dog. True or not, he harkens back to the old Israeli "hardliner" political stereotype which did nothing but make the situation in the Middle East worse. Recently, Olmert said "Even if last Wednesday’s criminal attack against an IDF patrol was carried out without the consent of the Lebanese government and without the assistance of its military, this does not absolve it of full responsibility for the attack which emanated from its sovereign territory. Just as the fact that the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority opposes terrorism against Israel does not relieve him and the Palestinian Authority of their responsibility for the attack carried out from their territory against our soldiers in Kerem Shalom. They are both fully responsible for the safety of our soldiers who were taken hostage."
By making statements that Lebanon can be held responsible for Hezbollah, when the whole world knows the Lebanese army doesn't have the power (and Israel would not want them to have the power) to wrest the region from Hezbollah, degrades his other arguments. He makes the same statements about the Palestinian territory. We all know the Palestinian legitimate government doesn't have the resources to root out terrorists, esp. when so many of them have the consent of the people. What's more, Israel is destroying the very infrastructure that would make rooting those forces out possible. Good intentions, bad strategy. And on top of it, he helps characterize his country as maddog killers who are just looking for a reason to "punish"Muslimss, no matter what their affiliation. One gets the impression that Olmert and the Israeli government follows the "they all look alike" tactic. If it's anArabb, they're a bad guy, and complicit with the actions of all.
This, of course, plays right into the terrorists hands. It's a wonderful recruitment tool. Olmert should ask for a percentage. All Hezbollah has to do is trot out Israel's extremist opinion to get recruits for their own.
In sharp contrast are the leaders of Lebanon and Sinora. Sinora is set, despite the horrendous damage being done to his country, to come out of this politically as a winner. He's portrayed himself as intelligent, peace-loving, and truly concerned about his people. He was the very first to call for a cease-fire, forcing Israel to reject an overture at peace, villifying themselves even more. This worked because he truly doesn't have control over Hezbollah, and his people are the ones being zipped up in body bags. What's more, the world has watched Lebanon rebuild itself after a terrible civil war. They've played by the rules, are not open to extremist thought and action (as a government) and even has taken a hard stance against Syria's meddling. They've lined themselves up as an ally in Bush's "War on Terror." To the rest of the world, that appears to have had no currency with Israel, who seems deadset on knocking Lebanon back down into the morass it just pulled itself out of. Not that Israel has much choice in the matter. They have to stop the rocket attacks and defend their territory. But was there no other option than this?
There was no attempt at diplomacy, or how about gathering intelligence and then committing a surgical rescue strike? If Mossad can't do that, who can?
The bombing gives the appearance that Israel is unconcerned about their soldiers' safety, and are using this event as a pretext to knock Hezbollah down a few rungs. Sinora looks like an honest man caught in the middle, and pleading for peace.
Now let's look at Hezbollah's leader and mouthpiece. After the rants of the likes of Osama Bin Laden and Zarqawi cutting off people's heads on tape, this guy looks like a saint.
First, he sidesteps ALOT of the more wild rhetoric. None of that "the streets will run red with zionist blood" or any of that garbage. This guy talks like he has a cool head, a tactical awareness of the situation, and some common sense. Check out his comments in an article today in CNN. First, he opens up by APOLOGIZING to the families of twoArabb children killed in the attacks on Israel, this shows a genuine concern for his people not shown by Bin Laden and Zarqawi, who blow up their own people willy-nilly all over Iraq for no good reason. He inserts his message into the apology, but in a sane and rational tone.

"To the family that was hit in Nazareth -- on my behalf and my brothers', I apologize to this family. Some events like that happen. At any event, those who were killed in Nazareth, we consider them martyrs for Palestine and martyrs for the nation. I pay my condolences to them."

Now, he was later asked about Israel's capabilities and effectiveness. Now what have we heard from other terrorists? We've heard stuff that basically amounts to a belief that technology and numerical advantage doesn't matter, as if Allah were personally going to come down and start suplexing jets out of the air. Not Nasrallah, he comes off as sane and with a good grasp of reality.
According to CNN, Nasrallah called the Israeli airforce "the most powerful air force in the Middle East and one of the most powerful in the world, and they own the skies."
The CNN article further said Nasrallah said it was "logical" that Lebanon has incurred more casualties than Israel because Israel has better military technology and, unlike Lebanon, its civilians have bomb shelters.
What's worse, Nasrallah says what many were already thinking, showing he has a solid grasp on the word on the street, both in the Middle East and in New York.
Again, from the CNN article:

"Israel's response to Hezbollah rocket attacks has been excessive because its goal is not to free the soldiers but "to eradicate Hezbollah and every other resistance in Lebanon," he added.
Israel, he said, would have found a pretext to launch the current offensive even if the soldiers had not been kidnapped."

Apparently, Israel is aware of it's own political vulnerability in this, as they have trotted out Benjamin Netanyahu to be a mouthpiece on many occasions, obviously acknowledging Olmert's lack of political skill and his inability to appear as an honestly peace-loving statesman (something our own president has a problem with). However, it's been too little.
Unless Israel gets inventive and smart, they are going to lose this fight, lose some traction on the world stage, and actually decrease their security instead of increasing it.
Honestly, they need to kill Nasrallah. Perhaps moreso than we need to kill bin Laden. He's smart. Damn smart, and he's politically savvy as well (something bin Laden is not). Obviously he has the resources to have struck at Israel in some way more dramatic, but instead he poked the beehive with a stick, and then pointed out to the world how vicious the swarm was. Israel has my sympathy in dealing with this guy. I'm really glad al Queda isn't as smart. Hezbollah is making them look like rank amateurs..Unfortunatelyy, they are doing the same to Israel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nasrallah is busy scurrying from hole to hole like a rat. He is not winning, he is just barely hanging on.


2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, is it any wonder I love this man?
One point that I'm surprised no one else has been talking about that he mentioned "If Mossad can't do that, who can?" Very very true.

and sorry, ozzie - I have to disagree. completely. you wouldn't happen to get your information from FoxNews, do you?

3:25 PM  
Blogger Dark Lord said...

Ozzie said...
Nasrallah is busy scurrying from hole to hole like a rat. He is not winning, he is just barely hanging on.

Even were that true, then it's all the more impressive that he's able to conduct the interview he did with al jazeera in a nicely-furnished room, looking well-kempt, calm and collected. The fact that the attacks haven't abated also doesn't seem to back that up. But if true and he is barely hanging on then he's all the more intelligent and dangerous. Afterall, we're not even focused on bin Laden at the moment and the best he can do is bad audio from a cave.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ozzie, Ho Chi Minh scurried from hole to hole too and his strategy worked damn well in Vietnam. Barely hang on long enough and win by being pummeled into you enemy's submission.

9:26 PM  

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