Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ever have periods of pulling back?

I think I'm going through one of my periods of sort of pulling back. I go through modes over time: At one point I'm gregarious and outgoing, and a few months later I'll be sort of a recluse. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the seasons or what, but I get grumpy and then reclusive, and don't communicate much outside of a very small circle. I'm not sure why I do it, but I do. I've got friends who I might not talk with for months at a time. It's not that I'm upset with them or anything, but at that point I'm probably not communicating much with anyone. Rae, my slave, being the exception of course. Even she probably notices that my temperment changes for a time before it shifts back. Although we've been together less than a year so I'm not sure if she's detected the pattern.
I do, however, tend to get a lot done during these periods. The writing of my book was one such time in my life. I virtually never left the house for five months and my only contacts with the world were my soon-to-be ex wife and a group of Goreans I'd chat with online.

I doubt rae or my neighbor and good friend Vox will actually let me pull back too far however. They have ways of bringing me to the surface. In fact, it was Vox doing just that which connected me with rae last summer.

So if I'm hard to find for a while, my regrets, it's just one of those things I go through.


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