Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Living between moments

Recently, it has felt like I am living between moments, between ticks of the clock. By that, I mean I feel as though I'm living between turning points in my life. On the one hand is my departure from journalism, the separation from my last wife (and pending divorce). On the other hand....I'm not sure. Writing is my calling, and I think I'm on the cusp of a big achievement in my life, but I don't want to jinx it, so I'll let you know when I have more news on that (should be later this week). In addition, a publisher is looking at my novel. No clue what my chances are there.
Right now I am floating...between moments.
My adult life has been broken down, career-wise, into a series of checkpoints. First, I just wanted to be a journalist, writing for a paper, any paper and getting a byline. I got that as soon as I got out of high school, beating out mopst reporters I know by four years or so. Next was getting a front page story. Got that, unfortunately, with a drive-by shooting that took the life of an eleven year old boy. Interestingly enough, this turned into something else odd. I got contacted soon afterward by a famous Detroit Deejay, the Electrifying Mojo, who says he was inspired by the incident, my article, and a dream, to do a book of poetry called "The Mental Machine." So my first frontpage story ended up in the first pages of this book, somewhat immortalized. Something about that incident charged me...there was no stopping me. Years later and thousands of stories later I landed in D.C. achieving the major goal of becoming a capitol hill reporter, chatting it up with senators and the like. After three years of that, however, I got both disillusioned and...well, bored. My next goal was nearly forgotten. That of writing a book. I left the biz, took a year off to both write a book and do some freelance writing.
Books written and I'm trying to find a publisher. I'm also trying to get into the role-playing game industry. I'm set on achieving one of these goals...and soon, I hope, so I can get out of this achievement limbo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is stream. You can fight the current, swim with it, or simply let yourself be carried.

I don't know who or where that came from, but it works.

Glad to see that things aren't going bad at least.


7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am waiting to hear that your book will be published. Keep chopping wood, we have faith in you.

9:15 PM  

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