Monday, July 10, 2006

If I never see the inside of a hospital again...

I know a lot of you wonder why I haven't been posting lately in the boards I usually frequent. Well, since 4th of July, Rae has been very ill. In fact, she was hospitalized over the weekend.
Doctors at first thought it was a viral infection, but whatever they did it just got worse. It was not until Sunday that doctors determined that there was no infection, in fact she was having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic she had been given the week before for an ingrown toenail. Of course, while they were thinking it was viral, she was steady continuing to take the antibiotics, making the reaction worse and worse. Finally, on our second trip to the emergency room on saturday morning, after the entire upper half of her body turned red and she had a temperature of 103, they decided to keep her there for the weekend.
She's on the mend now, really weak, and I'm taking care of her best I can.
One of the funny things is that rae is a very dainty eater usually. How dainty? When she orders from McDonalds, she orders 4 mcnuggets, a small fries and three chocolate chip cookies. She usually cannot finish the nuggets.
Now, because they put her on steroids to fight the allergic reaction, she has this (for her)raging appetite. But, importantly, she's on the mend, feeling much better. Once she's back to 100% I'll probably be writing more again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. Juli and I are glad she's on the mend and that it was nothing worse. We're also with you on the hospital thing.

8:20 PM  

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