Friday, October 19, 2007

I really didn't know what hard was

You know, before I became a dad, there were days in my life that I thought were "hard." And in truth, some of them still were extremely difficult, but have dulled with time.
But it's a different kind of "hard" that I face every morning I go to work.
I have to leave beautiful rae and my infant son, Joseph, every morning, and not see them for the rest of the day. When I get home, I hold him for an hour, at most, while at the same time trying to stay connected with rae AND engaging in all the other little stuff I do (writing freelance on the side, posting on various sites, trying to "decompress" after work with some World of Warcraft, Jade Empire, or simply by watching "the word" on Colbert Report). On top of that, I try to help rae out where I can.
It's hard in a way that I'm not familiar with. Before, I worked from home because I just didn't want to be in an office. I think flourescent lighting and cubicles are bad for the human soul. And I liked doing a day's work in my robe and slippers.
Now, it's something else. I feel it's almost a necessity that I find a way to work from home on a permanent basis. The trick is finding that way. Freelance writing is really feast or famine, and that's fine and well if you're a bachelor and don't mind a couple weeks of ramen noodles one month and eating filet mignon the next. But Joseph needs diapers every day. And both he and rae (and I) need medical coverage.
So, for now, I kiss them both (repeatedly sometimes) and leave for work. I hope to change this in the near future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you're just hitting the tip of the iceberg. Wait until he gets to the age of talking, saying things that melt you or send you into a frenzy. I'm glad to see that you've not laxed in stepping up, then again never pegged you to be that type either. Keep on keeping on, and in the end, little Joseph will do or say something that makes it all worth it.


9:36 PM  

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