Monday, August 06, 2007

home stretch

So, Rae and I are entering the home stretch of impending parenthood.
The baby is due in mid-September and I really thought I'd be more nervous than this. I am nervous, but only a little really. This entire thing has been a lot less scary than most people made it out to be. Of course, I say that not having had the baby yet.
We've done everything we can to prepare. We got certified in first aid and infant CPR, took a child-birth course, and we've made good progress on getting the nursery set up in the back room and relocating the office upstairs.
Last week the doctor put rae on bedrest for a week and that worried me for a bit, but she seems to be doing just fine, and a follow-up ultrasound showed that little Joseph is developing right as he should be.
Rae was asking me the other day what I anticipated most. She can't wait to hold the baby in her arms. I can't either, but perhaps more than that, I am intensely curious as to what kind of a Man Joseph will grow up to be. I will do all in my power to make sure he grows up to be an honorable, responsible, successful man, of course. But even in that framework there are so many different men he could become, and I am very anxious to meet that man, though I'll certainly enjoy watching the boy mould into that future man's shape.


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