Swearing off swearing
So I gave up two things for the Lent season. I always give up something that's actually an effort. I believe it builds character. Besides, I hate being beholden to anything. Makes me feel controlled and, if you know me, you know I can't stand that.
First, I gave up any and all fried chicken. No fried fowl til after Easter for me. So far that's been the easy one. The second thing I gave up was cursing. Rachael and I gave it up together.
We both thought she'd have the harder time of it, but we're discovering that in fact I'm having a more difficult time not swearing. Particularly in the car.
The moment I shut that door and pull into traffic, the explicatives start flowing. Its funny, but neither she nor I had ever noticed I did that before until now. So I guess swearing off swearing was a good choice, even if I have found myself using fictional, geek, curse words, like saying "frack" from Battlestar Galactica.
It's been a battle, I've slipped up regularly. But Rae's there to remind me and that helps drive my goal in a bit deeper. She seems to be having a fairly easy time of it, which surprised us both, as we thought she was the worst of the two of us when it came to swearing. I think, perhaps, it's just more jarring coming from Rae, who is very feminine, than it is coming from me.
When Rae drops an F-bomb, you notice. Apparently, however, one faulty traffic light during rush hour and I could level Coventry.
So, I keep trying, though I slip up again and again. Hopefully, in the end, some of it will stick. If I really swear this much it needs to stop. I didn't use to swear like this, I'm sure of that. I always thought explicatives were for those who lacked vocabulary.
Its hard to find out that I'm the one that needs to pick up a thesaurus more often these days.
First, I gave up any and all fried chicken. No fried fowl til after Easter for me. So far that's been the easy one. The second thing I gave up was cursing. Rachael and I gave it up together.
We both thought she'd have the harder time of it, but we're discovering that in fact I'm having a more difficult time not swearing. Particularly in the car.
The moment I shut that door and pull into traffic, the explicatives start flowing. Its funny, but neither she nor I had ever noticed I did that before until now. So I guess swearing off swearing was a good choice, even if I have found myself using fictional, geek, curse words, like saying "frack" from Battlestar Galactica.
It's been a battle, I've slipped up regularly. But Rae's there to remind me and that helps drive my goal in a bit deeper. She seems to be having a fairly easy time of it, which surprised us both, as we thought she was the worst of the two of us when it came to swearing. I think, perhaps, it's just more jarring coming from Rae, who is very feminine, than it is coming from me.
When Rae drops an F-bomb, you notice. Apparently, however, one faulty traffic light during rush hour and I could level Coventry.
So, I keep trying, though I slip up again and again. Hopefully, in the end, some of it will stick. If I really swear this much it needs to stop. I didn't use to swear like this, I'm sure of that. I always thought explicatives were for those who lacked vocabulary.
Its hard to find out that I'm the one that needs to pick up a thesaurus more often these days.
I laud the move, but find giving up swearing to use other words in their place changes nothing since the meaning is still there. Of course Juli fusses at me at least once a week for making her a potty mouth. But swearing is the only artistic expression I'm good at.
Well sweetie you do come by it honestly, I hear your mother and your aunt swear like sailors...LOL
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