Thursday, December 28, 2006

New website!

Warning: If you're not an RPG gaming geek, run now.
A few months back I started a project called "The Amalgaverse Project" on the Palladium webboards. I promised people I'd put it up on the internet.
It took a while, with everything else going on, but it was a personal project I wanted to complete. It is a work in progress and there are still some gaps to fill, but the lions' share of the work is done.
I ended up going a step further and buying my own domain! I want a site that's easy to find, unique and vibrant. I hope it fits the bill.
So if you like Palladium games, and especially if you like their Robotech and other "space"-based science fiction lines, check out the Super-Nexus, and the Amalgaverse Project therein.


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