Who Am I?

Who am I? In essence, that is what this blog is all about. Sometimes I think I know, but sometimes I'm sure I don't. Lots of other people think they know. They are pretty much uniformly wrong.
Labels? I've got lots of those. I'm an african-american, 30-something, gorean-styled dominant lifestyle Master, left-leaning moderate, gamer geek writer. Wrap your brain around that all at once. You might know me as El Magico, Dark Lord, DLDC, Rivin, A2knight or, if we go wayyy back, Lord Bane.
But does that really tell somebody, including yourself, who you are? I don't think so.
I'm not even sure this will.
This blog will be my net-borne stream of consciousness, my electronic catharsis. Sometimes it will be political, other times it will be geek stuff, at others it will be social. There are times when any one can read it, but I warn you it isn't likely to be kid-friendly. This will be me uncensored, as probably nobody, including myself, has really seen before.
I hope you find the trip interesting.
Kick ass DLDC! This is almost as cool if Cherico kept a blog of his misadventures.
So umm...Good Luck with this...
Hope to check this out, DL...
Hey DLDC, its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be... someone says emo just kneecap em :p
an inspiration? me? ...we should talk... you know where to find me now.
Congratulations on the blog thing......
*runs to hide*
Awsomeness Make sure to give us all your tryed and true dating stratagys
keep it updated ,bruh.
DLDC "Uncensored," eh? I'm along for the ride, then. ;)
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